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Growing up, my brother and I were always fond of breakfast for dinner. There was something very “opposite day” about it that intrigued us like no other meal could. We almost felt like little rebels basking in a stack of pancakes dripping in syrup while our neighborhood friends sat down to spaghetti or pot roast.

At 32, I still enjoy a good omelet for dinner and even the occasional Belgian waffle, so this recipe for a Baked Apple Puff really stood out in Michelle Stern’s new cookbook, The Whole Family Cookbook.

I had the pleasure of meeting Michelle back in October at BlogHer Food in San Francisco. We were among a group of people that were left momentarily stranded at a function which led us to being smooshed into a limo like sardines while winding through the streets on San Francisco.

Being that I am extremely claustrophobic and get insanely car sick, I was about two seconds away from either breathing or vomiting (maybe both) into a paper bag before the limo came to screeching halt at the curb of our hotel.

Michelle’s passion for teaching children about fresh, wholesome food is evident throughout her entire book, which is full of unique recipes that will help you get your children involved the kitchen. Michelle provides you with great tasting recipes using accessible, fresh and local ingredients along with easy to follow, color coded, step by step instructions.

It will get you excited about dragging a stool into the kitchen and allowing your little one to crack eggs, measure flour, stir batters, and a myriad of other little-hand suitable tasks. In turn, helping out will get them excited about the food that they are helping to create!

Your kiddos are going to love this Baked Apple Puff and the many other recipes in The Whole Family Cookbook.

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  1. Brenda @ a farmgirl's dabbles says:

    Beautiful apple puffs, Jamie – I love the cranberries!! I have so many great memories of baking with my mom and sisters, but making Christmas cookies probably ranks highest.

  2. Chrissy says:

    My favorite was making cream cheese press cookies with my Mom and younger brother. I loved seeing the cookie dough squish out of the cookie press on to the baking sheet.

  3. Chloe says:

    Making applesauce with my dad on Sunday mornings

  4. Tiffany Rogers says:

    My favorite childhood cooking memory would have to be when i would make macaroni & cheese with my grandma :-)

  5. The Newlywed Chefs says:

    Whitney here! My favorite memory is not just one, but many many evenings cooking side by side with my dad in the kitchen. He is wonderful, and he taught me how love can really be shown in the most simple ways. I hope to pass that on to my kiddos someday :)

  6. Beth says:

    I loved baking chocolate chip cookies and brownies with my mom. She always let me lick the spoon when we were done:)

  7. Amy @ A Little Nosh says:

    I remember my mom stinking up the house with liver and onions. Once.

  8. missy says:

    I have many wonderful memories of making grape jelly and juice with my grandma!! She was an amazing cook and taught me so much….I only wish I could have learned more from her :)

  9. Melissa Jackson says:

    I loved making pancakes. I don’t even like pancakes that much now (I much prefer waffles), but I think it was one of the first things that I could make on my own.

  10. tina says:

    In highschool I’d bake a lot. Once I tried to make some candy (can’t remember what). I never had experience boiling sugar. Well, I kind of over boiled and burned the sugar. I ruined my mom’s pot! That was the first time I tried to bake anything other than cookies or cakes.